Set up the “Sisterhood Hostel” for residents who have graduated from the female hostel training who can learn to live independently and care for themselves.
Commenced the “Back to School” scheme to reduce the financial pressure faced by parents during the period where their children return to school period by providing back support school bags, school shoes, book vouchers and supermarket vouchers to the children of prisoners/rehabilitated persons.
Organised the “Hope Shines” painting competition at Correctional Institutions across Hong Kong and exhibited the winning works of fellow prisoners and rehabilitated persons at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum
Establishment of the fourth male hostel called the ‘Kindness Hostel’ Supported by the ‘Correctional Services Department Sports Association’s Fund”, KSA held friendly football friendship matches between correctional staff and rehabilitated persons this was called the Football Friendship Cup KSA launched the “Family Empowering Station” ministry to allow the families of male and female hostel residents to receive pastoral support.
Jointly organised the “Hong Kong Correctional Institutions Bible and Calligraphy Competition” with the Correctional Services Department, Hong Kong Milk and Honey Arts and the Divinity School of Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Held a “Blessing Month” at Correctional Institutions to help inmate learn to give thanks and bless others and spread a culture of blessing. Held the “Shining Light” Life Education Concert
To carry out mentorship and companionship programmes for the children of prisoners and rehabilitated persons. This program was called the ‘Mentorship Scheme’ Established the “Youth Onesimus” fellowship to shepherd and help young rehabilitated persons.
Set up the Education Subsidy Scheme for the Children of prisoners and rehabilitated persons the “Abundant grace Charitable Foundation” donated permanent premises for the female hostel, so the female hostel was named the “Abundant grace female hostel”
Set up a “Youth Development Centre” to pastor and train young people. Establishment of a third men’s hostel called the, “Faith Hostel”
Establishment of a second men’s hostel called the, “Love and Care Hostel”
The 35th Anniversary of the HKCKSA’s song album titled “Walking with you, there’s joy in life” was composed by prisoners and released